We begin the Cycle-Hvar story in ancient Stari Grad and set out to explore the north side of the island.

In the epically portrayed streets of this oldest Hvar capital, we depict our way through the centuries of living.

From the central part of town, we move on to the ancient trail of the Greek Hora, i.e. UNESCO protected Stari Grad Plain, while we explore the oldest example of plotting in Europe.

Through the fragrant trails of Hvar, we set out towards one of the most beautiful inlets of the Adriatic – Vrboska.

This small fishing village located in a deep-set inlet and interconnected by numerous bridges, will surely remain one of the most beautiful memories of your Hvar vacation.

Through the stunning atmosphere of the dense pine forest, we move on towards Jelsa where we will stop for a cup of coffee in the relaxing ambience of the main square.

After Jelsa, we carry on to the heartland through many vineyards and olive groves.

Here we discover quite a different image of the island and a calmer way of life than by the coastline.

We conclude the tour back in Stari Grad after 27 kilometers of the Natural Hvar story.

DURATION: 3-4 hours
SKILL LEVEL: Easy-intermediate
WHAT TO WEAR? Cycling clothing, trainers, and a hat (or cap)

Price per person:

110 € – included: guided tour, bicycle, helmet, bottled water, visiting an old dalmatian “Konoba” family wine cellar + wine tasting (snack pairings)