As extremely interesting guide marks, friendly hosts and owners of numerous island taverns are awaiting you in the daily cycling program.

In the organized cycling stage in the central part of the island, we discover some local family konobas in order to taste some of the best Hvar specialties.

For all lovers of a tasty bite, this type of day-trip is organized as a sightseeing of the central part of the island along with various wine tastings and sampling a number of local specialties.

DURATION: 4-5 hours
SKILL LEVEL: Easy-intermediate
WHAT TO WEAR? Cycling clothing, trainers, and a hat (or cap)

Price per person

140 € – included: guided tour, bicycle, helmet, bottled water, visiting an old dalmatian “Konoba” family wine cellar + wine tasting (snack pairings), an authentic Mediterranean meal

* As guides of our sightseeing day, the taverns / restaurants are within 30 kilometers of Natural Hvar stories that we discover during our trip